Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Ideas for Sarah and Al

I am reading for my paper in the independent study I am doing and the article I am reading is from Forrester. It is called B2B Marketers Fail The Community Marketing Test By Laura Ramos.
The article discusses the new #1 job of setting social media strategy. Connecting with Customers is key. How to do it? Go where they go and participate with solutions
The article recommends seeking out people in the organization who are passionate and knowledgable about issues faced by consumers. This made me think of Al’s quest for the Sales Assistant. This seems like the perfect place to start a blog, or to check to see if there are existing blogs. Starting a sales assistant blog is in my opinion a great extension of what you are already doing.
Another thought for Sarah is to write and circulate guidelines for blogging, wiki templates, best practices for professional network pages etc. I think about it similar to what Dara did for the email…
Let me know if you want me to forward the Forrester Article.

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